Steve Kennett - spinner and weaver of inkle braids
I have been spinning and weaving inkle braids for more than 30 years.
My inkle workshops aim to get beginners up and running quickly. For more information please see the inkle section. Get my Inkle workshop
My spinning workshops are run on demand for groups of up to six people. See spinning section for details.
I give talks and demonstrations to groups including Guilds, societies, museums, and other interested organisations and am a member of the Association’s speakers list. Please contact me for further details.
The dates of our meetings at Amberley are given in the Spinning section.
Latest blog: Tablet Weaving
1st February
During last years lockdown I decided to try my hand at tablet weaving and here are the results. I found it quite a job to get my head round all the different type of braids there are and how to weave them. There are so many. These braids are just a start. My next plan is to find out how to weave words... Read more
Making Inkle Braids - An introduction to weaving inkle bands
Book now available as an e-book download for £10.00 or bound print edition for £15.00.